Raquel Leitão
Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (IPVC)
A teaching nutritionist, she graduated in Nutrition Sciences at the Faculty of Nutrition Sciences and Food of Porto University, and obtained an Master’s degree in Quality Control, specialising in “Water and Food” from the Faculty of Pharmacy of Porto University, and a PhD in Child Studies, in the speciality of Children’s Health, at Minho University.
She exercises her professional activity as an Assistant Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (IPVC), in several of its schools, and is responsible for teaching in the area of Human Nutrition and connected sciences.
She has editorial experience in the Open Medicine journal, in the area of “Public health, epidemiology and biostatistics” and as a reviewer for international scientific journals.
She has taken part in funded research projects such as NUTRIAGE and the “health status and physical activity of the elderly”. She is a member of the Order of Nutritionists, member of the Scientific Board of the Viana do Castelo Coastal Geopark and the CIEC. She is the coordinator of the Post-Graduation in Education, Science and Local Heritage (ESE-IPVC).