Mª Ángeles Romero Rodríguez
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC)
A PhD graduate in Pharmacy and Professor in the Food Technology area at the University of Santiago de Compostela, she teaches several modules of the Human Nutrition and Dietetic degree and the Master’s degree in Innovation, Nutrition, Food Safety and Technology, among others.
She oversees research projects (degree projects, master’s theses, PhD theses, master’s projects). She has authored several articles, books, book chapters and has taken part in many international and national congresses. Moreover, she manages and takes part in several international, national and regional projects and in contracts and agreements with companies and entities.
She is the founding partner of the Board of Directors of the spin-off TASTE LAB, S.L. which is the first sensorial analysis technology company.
She advises and collaborates with different entities and administrations in the development of food plans for different areas, promotion of health eating, preparation of food guides, assessment of nutritional status and advice on culinary techniques for different groups.
She is the coordinator of the working group (business based) for the development of a child obesity prevention strategy in Galicia (Xermola Plan). She is also currently the representative of the University of Santiago de Compostela on food matters and manages the Institutional Chair of Bread and Cereals.